Sunday, December 30, 2012

26 Week Bumpdate

Busted! Indulging in an Oreo McFlurry- but at least it's a snack size, and full of calcium... right?? :)
This week: INDIGESTION. Where did this come from?! Tums have become my new best friend. They are a lifesaver and come with me everywhere. Other than that, everything still moving along smoothly. I'm sleeping just fine, but Tyler's family did get me the Snoogle pillow for Christmas- and it's amazing! I can already tell this thing is going to become my best friend in the next few months (sorry Tyler). 

Christmas Week Festivities

Somehow, Christmas has already come and gone, and we are staring 2013 square in the eye. Where does the time go?!

This Christmas was wonderful, we spent time with my family who flew in from Colorado, and did our best to show them what Dayton has to offer.

Here is a little recap of Christmas 2012 (warning: picture overload!):

My dad went to AFIT (the same program Tyler is currently doing to get his masters) when I was 3-4 years old. In the library, they keep a copy of every thesis written through this program. It was so much fun to find my dad's and look through it. Amazing where we have come in such a short time!

They say you marry someone just like your father. That couldn't be more true for me... I ended up with a carbon copy. Tyler enjoyed finally having someone around to jam with.

Sisters :)

Clifton Mill is an amazing place outside of the city where millions of lights are put up every year for guests to enjoy- just the thing to get us in the Christmas spirit!


Christmas morning- Santa found us, again! Our families spoiled us, as they tend to do :)

Christmas Tree photo op.

I don't particularly love the idea of putting clothes on our 65 pound German shepherd- I certainly don't want to embarrass her (or more importantly, us.) Big dogs just don't need clothes... BUT we bought her a Batman Halloween costume last year, because we don't have kids, and it sounded like a great idea. Turns out, she LOVES clothes! She seems to feel super confident when we put something on her and doesn't even fight it. Hence; the pink jacket. I mean, this picture says it all. I think she's literally posing for the camera. So yes, we did buy a jacket for our dog, and yes, she loves it.

Nothing beats an afternoon nap on a snowy afternoon!

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed family, friends, good times, and good food! Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

A Very Late Week 25 Bumpdate

The growing continues, and as of this week, I still feel really good. I'm absolutely counting my blessings, as this has been a very smooth pregnancy so far. *knocks on wood* Our little guy is super active and the movements are getting stronger all the time!

Up next: Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week 24

This week in pictures:

Finally, the crib is built! We tackled this at about 10:30 Saturday night... yes this is what Saturday nights have become :)

Beautiful Ohio sunset, pictures don't do it justice, but this is all we've got.

Finals are in FULL swing this week. Tyler has taken over the house, but he's kicking butt, so spread out as you must, love. (Yes that's a beer in the top photo, and yes this was all spread out in different rooms at the same time. I do NOT miss those days.)

Bumpdate! We have a kicking cantaloupe on our hands, and boy is he active!

This week I noticed Kahla following me around, everywhere. She is being uber-protective (better late than never). She won't come downstairs in the morning until I do, and has to know where I am at all times (usually it's Tyler she can't get enough of). She's usually not allowed on the couch, but she's being so loyal, and all she wanted to do was snuggle- how could I resist?!
Also this week- our hearts are heavy in the wake of the tragedy in Connecticut. Our thoughts and prayers with all the families affected, especially those who lost beautiful children- there are NO words.
Hug your families a little tighter, and cherish every day. It is times like this we are reminded we are guaranteed nothing. Every moment is precious.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Has Arrived at the Stubbs'

I mandated this weekend as "Christmas decorating-weekend". It was a success, and we are now ready for Christmas! My family will spend Christmas at our house this year, and I couldn't be more excited. This is the first time we will host a big holiday. I know my parents could care less about the decorations, or any plans we have, they just want to spend time with us and see our new home, but of course I can't wait to go all out :)

Saturday we went with friends to a tree farm here in Dayton, and cut down the perfect tree- it literally called out to us when we saw it, Christmas Vacation style. It might as well have been lit up just like that. This tree is a far cry from the Charlie Brown Christmas trees we have had in Germany the last few years, and has renewed my faith that real trees CAN look good!

I had absolutely no part in cutting this tree down, but it always looks cool to hold a saw, right?

During our time in Europe, we made it a point to get an ornament from each country we visited- so every year when we pull them out, it's fun to remember where we got each one. It makes our tree extra special to us, filled with our travels as a newly married couple. We plan to continue the tradition, and be able to share this with our kids as they get older! ( I know, I know, eventually this tree is going to be overwhelmed with mis-matched ornaments... but WHO cares??)

Hoping everyone's holiday season is off to a magical start... and filled with plenty of Christmas music!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

23 Week Bumpdate!

Here's the latest in the world of my growing belly:

It happened- a stranger asked me what I am having. Tyler said, "wow, that's pretty gutsy- I thought the rule is you don't ask unless it's SUPER obvious". Well, I guess we are there- SUPER obvious. It definitely still depends on what I am wearing. For example, photo above- super obvious prego there! Still making do with pre-maternity shirts, it's an adventure finding new ways to wear my clothes.

 Does anyone recognize THIS look?!

Somebody is guilty, very guilty. Kahla's rebellious streak continues, and our front door rug takes another hit. She's lucky she's not actually doing any damage. Miss thing knows she's in trouble before we even walk in the door, and hides out until we come find her. She punishes herself more than we do, and I have to keep myself from laughing in front of her- is this what it's like to punish children?

Just another week in the Stubbs home...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

22 Week Ultrasound

Beacause our due date was so WAY off during our first ultrasound, we were brought back in for another, just to make sure our little guy's growth is on track. Seems that everything is going perfect, we couldn't be happier! This nugget is weighing in a 1.1 lbs- right on track for an April 2nd due date.

He was more than willing to participate, and happily made SURE we know he is a boy! I don't think we coud have been surprised if we wanted to after this ultrasound!  He was super active and we even caught him practicing breathing. So sweet watching his tiny tummy moving up and down- such a miracle!

(He's not shy...)
It's still so hard to believe there's a baby growing in there, but these glimpses inside his world make it all that more real and exciting! So for now, you just stay cozy and keep doing your thing in there, I'm happy to be your home :)