Tomorrow is
two week birthday, and still I'm not sure how to tell this story. Truly, I feel
like there are no adequate words to describe this whole experience, these last
two weeks have by far, been the best of my life.
I was nervous to say the least about giving birth. I had been worried about
that day since I learned where babies come from. As I got closer and closer to
his due date, I felt more and more ready for whatever was to come, but having
never done this before, and knowing things may not go as planned, I was still a
little apprehensive.
Luckily, I didn't have too much time to worry about it. Our impatient little
mister arrived 3 weeks early on Saturday, March 9th. On that Friday after work,
Tyler and I decided we needed to go to Babies R Us and get the few things we
still needed for
(see previous post!) Thank goodness we did! We had plans for that weekend- to
get hospital bags ready, finish the nursery, wash baby blankets and clothes,
and put baby gear together.
None of that got done.
Saturday morning at 3:30am my water broke. There was no mistaking it. After
calling the birthing center to let them know,
Tyler ran to the grocery store for supplies,
and I managed to get hospital bags together. A little over an hour later, we
were hospital bound!
When we arrived, they were ready for us. They confirmed my water had broken,
but it was a premature rupture and I was not in labor. They started pitocin
right away, and over the next few hours my contractions became more and more
painful. Tyler and I had planned to go as long as possible without any drugs,
and while
was the most amazing birth coach and partner I could've asked for, at 7cm I
needed relief. I got the epidural, and no more than 2 hours later I was
The rest is history. Every moment was worth it. I am so grateful that my
body cooperated so well, and I went from zero to baby in about 9 hours.
Jackson was born at
5:26pm, 6lbs 1oz, 19.5in., and in perfect health.
Because he was "late term premature" and developed jaundice, we
spent 3 days in the hospital. After being under lights for 12 hours, his
jaundice levels dropped enough to allow us to go home the following Tuesday.
Unfortunately, it was determined at his 48 hour check-up that his jaundice
levels had spiked, and we were re-admitted to the hospital for two more days of
light therapy (which he LOVED). Today his jaundice is just about gone, and he's
gaining weight like a champ- 6lbs 6oz today! We are so thankful to have had my
parents here for the week after his birth; they helped in so many ways, and
made being stuck in the hospital so much less stressful.
Tyler was able to leave and study for finals
as needed, laundry and cleaning got done, preemie baby clothes got bought, food
got made, and most importantly, we got to spend plenty of quality time with each
Jackson has
been an incredible baby. Everyone says that you just don't get it until you
have one of your own. I get it now. This love is never-ending. Our little
family has grown by one little person and exponential amounts of love.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers, love, and support over the last 2
weeks. We certainly feel the love.
On our way to the hospital!
Hanging in there...
Finger feeding Jackson- he had to be taught how to suck!
Going home- round one.
Getting his tan on.
Miss curious (who, by the way, is doing awesome with him!)