My little family and I will be facing a whole lot if it in
the coming month. I look forward to change when it’s far away. I embrace the
idea of ‘new’ when it’s an idea. When it’s looking me square in the face, I
break. I’ve had months to prepare, and yet, here I sit, sad to let the last 18
months become another closing chapter in my book.
I know that with every closing chapter is the opportunity to
write a whole new one. A new beginning is the opportunity for a fresh start-
and we have so much to look forward to and to be grateful for, but that doesn't
make goodbyes and new homes and changed jobs any easier.
Today, as I planned out who would take my current work
projects; I decided its ok to feel sad about it. It’s ok to slow down a little,
and really take in what the last 18 months have meant for me.
The next month is jam-packed full of crazy. A transition to
a new job, a Master’s defense and graduation, a ONE YEAR birthday party, family
visiting, a move to New York, and closing on our first home. Next time I turn
around I’m certain it will be April.
I expect some tears, some laughs, and hanging on for dear
life. Thanks for taking this journey with us; I would fall apart if it weren't
for the rock-solid friends and family who support us along the way.
Here we go….