Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Birthday Party

A HUGE thank you to everyone who came to celebrate our little guy's first year! We had a wonderful time, and while I know he won't remember it, I am a firm believer the first birthday is more for the parents anyway. It's more like a "we survived!" party.

We took plenty of pictures, so someday we can show him just how much fun we had celebrating.


We will sure miss each and every one of you, thank you for making our time in Dayton special!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Birthday Day

We spent Jackson's birthday eating, playing, and enjoying some decent weather, finally!

We started the day by opening some gifts. That cheese-face of his is a new thing. Every time he sees a camera or phone, bam. Cheese-face!

Then, a Tyler made a special fattening breakfast and Jackson got his first taste of french toast, bacon, and sausage. We threw in some peaches for good measure. He seemed to enjoy it.

The temperature was above 40 degrees - right now that's cause for celebration. We went out for a long walk and introduced Jackson to.... the swing!

Then we attempted a DIY cake-smash. Camera? Check. Cake? Check. ridiculous half-naked baby outfit? Check. Happy baby? NOPE. With a little luck we captured a few decent shots, but people, this kid had ZERO interest in the cake....

This is how the photo shoot ended.

What a day! Happy first birthday nugget!


Sunday, March 9, 2014

12 Months

For many months now, I wondered how I would write this post. As I sit here a hundred emotions rush my mind, as I knew they would.

As we look back on the last year, your daddy and I are filled with total and complete JOY. When we brought you home from the hospital, we had no clue what we were doing, or what we were in for ;)

With the support and guidance from family and friends, and your patience – we figured it out. Day by day, we learned what you needed, and how to be a family.

I can’t begin to describe in words what the last year has meant to us. We have seen you grow from a tiny 6lb 1oz helpless baby, who needed to be woken for regular feedings (the nurse has to flick your feet to make you cry – don’t even get me started about how I felt about that), to a standing, crawling, giggling, opinionated little boy.

As a celebration of your birth, we kept it classy, and headed to Frickers for dinner last night. Frickers is the last meal I had before going into labor with you, and I’m fairly certain it was their fried chicken that did the trick.

Over dinner, in between feeding you and entertaining you, we chatted about how our lives have changed in the last year, and how we feel. It all comes down to this: you are healthy, you are happy, and you are more fun than ever. I will forever miss the tiny baby who could sleep curled on my chest for hours at a time, but I wouldn’t change a single thing today.

Today you laugh and smile, you feed us food and mimic when we say ‘vrooooom!”. You are all boy – you are curious, and happy, and into everything. I can see you learning in everything you do. Your plastic bath time book is your favorite, and it goes everywhere we do.

You’re standing on your own and have (almost) 7 teeth! You splash in the bath, walk on our feet, and snuggle on my shoulder in the early hours of the morning. You have opinions, and you’re loving and sweet. You are the most perfect little boy for our family. I wouldn’t change a single thing.

May the next year be filled with a million more laughs and cuddles, more ‘vrooooms’ and plenty of discovery. May the next year be filled with even more love.

Thank you Jackson, for putting up with us. We are so very proud to call you our little boy. Happy happy FIRST birthday!!!
Alright... queue the tears. I knew I couldn't make it all the way through without them ;)

One year ago, today.


 You hold our hearts, now and forever dear boy.