Unfortunately, if Jackson, Tyler, or the house was going to get my attention, the blog simply was not.
Thank you for bearing with me during these busy weeks - and now I owe you an update.
We finally got the shiny keys to our new home weeks ago. It has been such a time warp, I couldn't even tell you how many weeks without looking at a calendar. We quite literally got right to work.
Our first project was replacing the ugly gold hardware in the kitchen. Random, and not our plan, but it was a super-easy project and just kind-of happened.
Next was re-painting the laundry room. It had a wallpaper border with puppies, kitties, and hanging laundry on it. Cross my heart. It took hours to get that down, and a tiny piece of me felt guilty for destroying the puppies. That lasted a micro-second.
Unfortunately, the pictures of those two projects are on our laptop, which Tyler currently has in 80 degree San Diego (bugger). I'll post those later, as I know you are dying to see the puppy border.
Next up, we tackled painting our bedroom, which also was no small task. I am still trying to wrap my head around the previous owner's style, but there's no point. Again with the stupid wallpaper border, grrr.
(Post wallpaper border, and frankly, the border was the least of my discontent. LOOK at those colors.)
This is so... fun?
Something of an after. We are replacing carpets next week, so no need to unpack and actually get settled in.
Next project: the dining room. You'll never guess... we had a wallpaper border to take down! Enough already.
This is a REAL after photo. Pretty much donezo.
Then came painting the kitchen. Oh the yellow kitchen.
Sorry for the less-than-stellar pictures. The kitchen also is not complete, so this is what you get: messy half done kitchen.
We also managed to squeeze an Easter BBQ in:
You can thank Tyler for the pictures. Every time we are working on something, he makes the same exact comments: "Where is the camera? We need to document this".
So, there you have it. This is how we've been spending nap times and evening times. We have several more 'projects' to go, and I'm fairly confident it may very well never really end, but we are making progress and it feels great. We are falling more in love with our new home every day.
We are finally falling into weekly routines, and are also squeezing work, new friends, and gym time into our days. It feels good to be busy creating our life here in NY. I think we're really going to like it here. More updates to come, more often, I hope!