Saturday, February 28, 2015

February Roundup

First. I'm sorry for my lack of updates this month. We all know excuses are like.... well, you know. But here are mine.

1. February is the WORST. It just is. Good thing it's short.

2. New York has been cold, snowy, gray, and miserable since the last time I complained about the weather. I'm not even being dramatic. It has been confirmed that this February has been the coldest in recorded history. We have spent more than 20 days in the last 2 months with highs BELOW zero.

3. We've been busy. Despite terrible outdoor conditions, I feel like life has been moving at warp speed. Between work, playdates, real dates, friend dates, birthdays, dog training, party planning, and in-law visit preparation, I've barely had a moment or two to myself.

Ok, enough excuses.

I will now share with you the overwhelming excitement that is February in New York.

Weekend outings to Bass Pro Shops with Rebel. Socialize, socialize, socialize. He's an amazing dog.

Beer brewing, obviously.

Warming up by the fire. All.the.time.

...and snuggling under blankets, just as much.
...and in tents.

Because this is what it looks like outside.

Work-from-home selfies.

 ...and cuddle from home selfies.
Thank goodness for friends, and leaving the house.  

In our town, snowmobiles are more popular than cars.

We made chocolate-covered strawberries for Valentines Day.

...and Tyler and I ate them.

A Mardi Gras party

...and work-from-home dates with a fellow work-from-homer (and her doggie, Cookie).

and poker lessons, because it's February.

Here's to March, and possibly signs of life. Like melting snow?


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Snow Days

We are now knee-deep (literally) into winter.

We got dumped on Sunday night into Monday this week, and if it's going to snow, it might as well be enough to keep us all cozy at home. Enough snow to actually snow you in, that's what it's all about. No where to be, no one to see, and nothing to do. Movies, baking, playing in the snow, and snuggling were on our agenda for Monday.

Then Tuesday comes. Let's be honest - this is when that snow storm can pick up and go back to wherever it came from. Digging out, navigating crappy roads, and getting back to real life is tough. Add sub-zero temperatures for the foreseeable future, and more snow, and you could say I'm officially over it.

Unfortunately, I have a feeling New York has other plans. We are hunkering down for the long haul. Is it May yet?

Until then, enjoy some pictures of snow and more snow. (These pictures were taken in the span of five minutes, because that's how long we could stand the 1 degree temperature.) Brrrrrr.


I'm with you buddy. Why are we out here?!

Jackson, pretend to have fun, just for a second!

At least the dogs are having fun.

Still not in to it?

What about if we put you in a sled?

eh? eh?

Is this a leg selfie?

Well, isn't it customary to make a snow angel?

If you happen to be somewhere warm, please send warm vibes our way. We could use them right about now.