-Sleep until 8, at which time I turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
-Heat up some frozen french toast.
-Watch the Today Show.
-Build a train track.
-Read books (about pooping in a toilet).
-Encourage Jackson to poop on the toilet for upwards of 30 minutes.
-Bundle up.
-Drag Jackson up and down the tiny hill in our front yard for 45 minutes (this doubles as my workout for the day).
-Eat Mac n Cheese and drink hot chocolate.
-Put Jackson down for a nap.
-Jump on a work video call.
-Search for someone to plow our mess of a driveway.
-Write a blog.
So much poop, so much laziness, so much snow.
I could really write an entire series on snow days. But because I know that would bore you even more than it would bore me (which is a lot), I'll just throw some pictures of us enjoying the pretty white stuff up for your enjoyment.
Yes, where IS the poop?!