Friday, April 29, 2016

I Am in Potty Training Hell

Do you guys remember this post? We are closing in n one year since that post. ONE YEAR.

Shortly after my first potty training attempt, we put the whole shenanigan on hold. We dabbled in using the potty if and when he wanted, and otherwise I didn’t push the issue for the next 6 months.

Since last November though, we have been actively potty training. At this point, I feel like it’s a lifestyle, and not a short learning curve. WILL HE EVER BE POTTY TRAINED?!

I am exhausted. I’m tired of bribing, encouraging, scolding, reminding, cleaning, and repeating. I’m tired of every conversation revolving around the potty. I’m tired of being tired. I’m so FREAKING tired of poop.

The idea of a potty trained child makes my heart leap. Is it true that someday, he’ll just use a toilet?! Like on his own?! What is that like?

For reference, our 9-week old puppy is nearly completely potty trained. We’ve had him for a week. I love him for this.

Jackson, child. I love you so much. Like, SO much. But if you don’t figure your crap out (literally), I might lose my damn mind.

Please, help a mama out. PLEASE.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Because we are glutens for punishment, we brought a puppy home last week. Please meet Cooper.

I know you’re currently doing the math, and you’re right. That means a baby and a puppy in one year. But we aren’t ones to turn down a good challenge (or a crazy one).

After losing Rebel just over a year ago, there was a void in our home and hearts that was begging to be filled. So this year will be crazy, cute, and exhausting, and filled with poop and pee. And exhausting.

But the good things are never easy, and we aren’t getting less busy. So let’s get this little guy potty trained before baby (got it, TYLER?).

Also, I’m hopeful Kahla will raise him. Wishful thinking?

That face, though.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Number Two.

That’s right folks, littlest Stubbs is due to shake things up this coming October – and we couldn’t be more thrilled!

Things are so different this time around. Besides feeling the need to pull out the maternity clothes like, NOW (in stark contrast to the 20+ weeks I made it with Jackson before taking the maternity clothes plunge), I’m also less sick and more tired. I could take three naps a day and still sleep like a baby at night – maybe that has something to do with chasing a toddler around during the day?

I’m also 1000% more calm this time. When we found out I was pregnant with Jackson, we thought we were prepared for what that would mean, but seeing that positive pregnancy test was actually kind of scary and overwhelming at first. EVERYTHING would change. I would have to give birth. What have we done?!

This time, I know (generally) what to expect. I know that this baby, just like Jackson, will shift our family to a new and better place – one we couldn’t have imagined before him or her. He or she will become the perfect missing piece that we didn’t know was missing, and soon won’t be able to imagine a life without.

Also, WHERE IS THE TIME GOING?! This pregnancy is flying by at warp speeds, just like everyone warned me would happen. I just hope to throw a nursery together, and possibly wash some blankets before the nugget arrives. Stay tuned…

Things you should know:

·      We won’t be finding out the sex of littlest Stubbs before D-Day (or whenever he/she decides to make his or her way), so I’ll be facing a patience, shopping, and design challenge like I’ve never experienced before. But I look forward to proving unisex clothes can be cute, and neutral nurseries can be stylish.

·      I’m in the second trimester now (when did that happen?) so I hope my energy levels will pick up. But if you can’t find me, I’m asleep on the couch (or I might be shoving my face with spicy pickles).

·      If you’d like to deliver gifts, please consider carbs. Bagels, toast, pasta. All.the.carbs.
·      I’ve officially reached the, “is she pregnant? Is she fat?” stage. Now you know: a little bit of both (thanks to the carbs).

I think that’s probably more than enough information for one day. I’ll attempt to post occasional updates, since you’ll be dying to know what I’m craving and how bad my heartburn is, and how much weight I’ve gained along the way. Sorry baby #2, I just don’t think weekly updates are in the cards. Welcome to life as a second child. BUT, know that you are loved beyond comprehension, already.

My heart bursts at the mere idea of you in our arms.