Since then, you usually wake up once and go right back to sleep when we put the pacifier in. Some mornings you wake up at 5, and I feed you and put you back to sleep. Other mornings, you wake up after 6, and you're up for the day.
Though we're in a much better place as a whole, you still demand quite a bit of attention, and are sure to let us know when something's not going your way.
You are incredibly efficient at rolling around, and seem ready to crawl, though you're not there yet. We're working on sitting, but after a few seconds you usually fall over in slow motion. You've popped your two bottom teeth, and I'm pretty sure much of your volatility is due to continued teething.
Conner, you keep us humble and on our toes. But you're big sweet eyes and belly laughs make every moment worth it. We love you to the moon and back.