The last two months were really big for you (and all of us, really).
It's been just 6 weeks since we packed up and left New York, and when we left, you couldn't even sit up well on your own.
Now, 6 weeks later, you've not only mastered sitting, but you sit from laying, crawl all over the place, and pull up to standing.
You've accomplished a normal sleep routine (though we had a few disruptions with the move and a trip to Colorado). You're now regularly sleeping from 7(ish) pm to 6:30am. You then have a bottle, and go back to sleep until sometime between 8 and 9am. You're also taking a couple 2-3 hour naps a day. Counting my blessings while it lasts.
You eat pretty much everything we do, and your love for food is amazing. You're eager to try everything, and I've yet to find something you don't like. Even the lime we let you try didn't seem to rock your world (the video is quite disappointing.)
You have 2 bottom teeth, and one top tooth - with a number of other teeth making their way as we speak.
You are finallllllly a happy baby. You giggle all the time, and especially love to laugh at the book "Little Blue Truck." You're favorite pastimes include trying to keep up with Jackson and ruining everything he builds. You continue to be fascinated by Jackson, and are captivated by everything he does. All he has to do is look at you, and and instant smile finds its way to your face. Your growing relationship makes my heart explode.
You love baths, splashing, and banging things around.
Loving this phase, and being out of that early baby-life haze!
You love to plank. You got especially good at it while you were trying to master the art of crawling.