Friday, August 18, 2017

Conner: 10 Months

Conner, you're 10 months old! (Plus a couple weeks...)

I'm going to blame my lack of posts (and late monthly posts) on you. Child, you keep me busy. 

You are so full of life, personality, and very bad ideas.

I spend most of my days saving you from yourself. You climb stairs in record time, have a dangerous interest in anything plugged into an outlet, and you're especially interested in the dog's water and food bowls (or more specifically, their contents.) You love to try to climb on shelves, and I'm quite concerned about the day you start to climb out of your crib, because I imagine it won't be long.

You sleep pretty well, usually from 7pm until 5:30 am, then back down after a bottle for 1 to 2 hours. We still have occasional middle-of-the-night wake up calls, and when they happen, we give you a bottle and you go right back to bed.

Snuggling isn't on your radar - you're much too busy. But you do offer up massive smiles and belly giggles, which are my all-time favorite things. You kick your legs super-fast when you're happy, and a little old lady at the store called you "happy feet." I quickly fell in love with the nick name, and now I, too, regularly refer to you as "happy feet."

You are a great eater, and pretty much eat whatever we do. You have your top front 4 teeth, and still just the bottom two front teeth. 


  • Baths
  • Food
  • Jackson
  • Climbing
  • Exploring
  • Opening and closing doors
  • Turning Roomba on and off
  • Crawling really fast

  • Snuggles
  • Being contained in any apparatus (or person)
  • Talking
  • Walking
I cannot even begin to wrap my head around the fact that we are closing in on your first birthday. All moms say this, but : WHERE DID THE LAST YEAR GO?! Having another kid in the house, plus moving, plus working from home while wrangling little children certainly makes for a crazy, super-fast year. 

Conner, you're certainly helping me to understand what patience, balance, & letting the little things go really means. There is no one I'd rather chase around this house, sweet boy. 

We love watching you develop your own personality. You do you, Conner!

This pretty much sums up life with you:

Ahh. So much love!