This little nugget has changed our lives in so many incredible ways. I simply cannot imagine a life without him anymore- who were we before Jackson?! What did we talk about? What did we do with our days? I can tell you this much, we talked about things other than poop and we slept. All night. Nonetheless, I wouldn't change a thing.
When those 1am, 3am, and 5am wake up calls come, nothing else matters but those bright, wide awake, precious eyes staring back at me. My heart melts. Every.Single.Time.
So you noticed- this little booger is getting up every 2 hours... as of today that is a work in progress, and we are enforcing an eat, play, sleep routine. Praying for longer stretches of sleep to follow shortly!
Jackson is such a happy baby, we are so blessed. He currently loves baths, cuddles, puckering his lips, and stretching. However, he's not so keen on breastfeeding (but I am the law, and this little guy is going to struggle through it!). He's also not digging being swaddled (it's not conducive to his stretching) or getting dressed. Notice Tyler prefers to not wear a shirt whenever socially acceptable... I wonder where Jackson got that from.
Also, this little guy is gaining weight like a champ. He's even got double chins! What a feat for a lengthy little guy.
Here are some moments from our first month together.
Picure overload- I know, but I cannot stop taking pictures of this sweet little thing. Jackson, we are SO IN LOVE. We cannot wait to see what the coming months bring (but not too quickly please)!
Laur, he is getting so big! I can't wait to see that little nugget. I'm so proud of you and still get teary everytime I think of you as a momma. Love you!