Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Many Names of Jackson

A running list of the names I’ve been known to call Jackson:


Jack Attack

Action Jackson (awarded by the nurses in the delivery room for his incredibly quick arrival)


Nuggs (because Nugget needed a nickname)



Mister J

Little Mister

J Nugget

J Man

…I just can’t help it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day

I'll keep this one short and sweet. The pictures say it better than I ever could- Tyler, we are lucky you are ours, thank you for being our rock. Jackson already adores you- you can make him smile just by looking at him (I like to think it's because he thinks your funny looking... but I'm sure he just thinks you're the coolest).

Happy first Father's Day!


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Great Grandparents

Jackson is lucky enough to have many of his great grandparents still with us. We were able to spend some time with Tyler's dad's parents a couple weeks ago, and it was wonderful to see them with their first great grand baby!

Tyler's dad had also planned to visit during their stay, and surprised us all when he arrived at our door Saturday afternoon! We couldn't have been more happy to see him! We all spent the weekend loving on Jackson, and fit in a visit to the Strawberry Fest, kicking off the summer!

We know family is incredibly important, and we don't take these moments for granted. Being that we are so far away from all of our families, we always welcome them to crash our home!


Jackson with Strawberry Cheesecake

Eating our cheesecake (sorry J, we were just teasing you- not that you seem to care.)

4 Generations!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Month 3

Month 3 has been a big one for you! You continue to amaze us every day, and we are so lucky to have you in our lives- we just can’t imagine it any other way.

This month you’ve been smiling- you especially love when your dad makes silly faces and voices. I get smiles when you first wake up in the morning (assuming I get to you before you get impatient and cry). Speaking of- you are sleeping through the night now! You go to bed at 9pm, and usually wake up around 6am… although some days that varies, and we get the occasional 4:45am wake up call. I’m not complaining though- this is a FAR cry from the every 2 hours we were doing not long ago. The whole family is better rested, and now mornings are your favorite!

You still love bath time, so we started to give you a bath every night. I think the warm water relaxes you, and it’s become a family affair.

You’re now focusing on everything, fans, mobiles, our hands and faces, toys, etc. It’s so much fun to see you taking the world in. Everything is new to you, and you’re happy just looking around!

Grandpa Stubbs taught you how to stand (with our help of course), and that seems to be your favorite position right now. I think it’s because you can see what’s going on around you.

We’ve realized we can get more done, and you’re happy just hanging out, as long as you can see us. We put you in your little swing on the kitchen floor and you happily sit and watch us cook dinner!
Happy 3 month little man!


Friday, June 7, 2013

Back to Work: What I’ve Learned

Today concludes my first week back at work. It was hard, but not that hard. I honestly didn’t know how I would feel about returning to work after having Jackson. I always planned on it, simply because I love my job- I truly enjoy what I do, but until this week, I didn’t know if I would REALLY want to go back.

Some people just know, even possibly before they have a baby, whether they will be a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or something in between. I didn’t know, so I planned to go back. I was lucky that I have an incredible, understanding support system surrounding me at work. I was able to take a full 12 weeks off, which was the perfect amount of time. There were days I thought I would never be able to leave Jackson, not until he was at least 24 years old. There were days I broke down- I NEED social interaction. I NEED to feel productive. I NEED to leave this house. There were days I wanted nothing more than to stay snuggled up with that sweet baby on the couch and never leave. It was a roller coaster.

Fast forward: Saturday night in bed, the weekend before returning to work. I cried. I cried for the things I might miss, the small moments I won’t see. I cried for how quickly 12 weeks went- how is he already this big? I cried for how quickly it will continue to go. How will I make this all work? How will I savor every moment?

Tyler reminded me that I have a choice, to take it one day at a time, and to see how I feel. Life happens whether I am right by his side all day, or whether I am working. No matter what, I will come home to him each night, and I will spend precious time with him then. Either way, the days will pass much too quickly.

So, on Monday I pulled on my big girl pants, and off to work I went. Now here we are, one week down. I feel GOOD, really good. Tyler spent most of the week with Jackson (he is between quarters in school). We are blessed that Tyler has such a flexible schedule, so he will spend a couple days a week with Jackson. The other days, we are incredibly lucky to have a close friend take him. While I am at work, he’ll be just a short 5 minute drive away- I could even meet them for lunch! So lucky. The child care situation also made my choice that much easier.

This is what I learned this week:

-I thrive on routine. I need a schedule. I am much happier when I know what to expect out of the day.

-Jackson is just fine. He will survive, even thrive without me by his side all day.

-Tyler is a GREAT dad. He has figured out a routine during the day with Jackson- which is more than I can say for myself while I was home. He sends me pictures, and he goes through their day in detail when I get home.

-Hours, minutes, seconds have never been more precious. Nights are sweeter, we catch up as a family, and I snuggle. A LOT. I fully expect the same from our weekends. That much sweeter.

-I have great friends inside and outside of work. They keep me sane. They ask about Jackson, and let me talk about the most important part of my life, whether they actually care to hear how many times he got up last night, or not J

-I CAN keep the house under control (with Tyler’s help).

-I am surviving. And happily. I might not always be a working mom, but for now this feels right. Like Tyler said, just one day at a time.
On my way to work: Jackson was still asleep, so I settled for a picture with Miss K (who was not interested).

After work... I think somebody missed me? Or, more likely, he's just hungry.

Luckily, this little dude has won over my department. I think he's welcome to visit anytime :)

Dad is handling the daily activities like a pro.



Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Windy City

... was not terribly windy, thank goodness. I HATE wind. However, I LOVE Chicago. Maybe it was the amazing company, maybe it was the combination of the two that made last weekend so special!

One of my best friends from middle school, high school, college, and beyond met us in Chicago to get some bonding time in with little J (and Tyler and I- but we're not so important anymore) before she makes a BIG move to Germany!

I cannot express how grateful we are that she took the time and spent the money to meet us over the holiday weekend. It means the world to us that she put that on her to do list in the short time she has left before her move.

Chicago was amazing, we did all the super-touristy things like visit Navy Pier, have over priced drinks in the Signature Room on top of the Hancock Tower, Visit the Bean, take a boat ride, and eat Chicago style pizza and hot dogs.

We learned travelling with a newborn is a whole new experience. We are learning to take things slower and go with the flow. Jackson was a trooper on his first trip, and I think Melissa didn't even mind toting around a baby all weekend!

Fortunately for us, this is how most of the 5-hour drive looked.

Meeting Jackson- we are so lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives!

It was unseasonably cold- just our luck. It did make for some amazing photos though!

Navy Pier- J Man was dressed appropriately for the occasion.

I just can't stop laughing when I look at this picture. Please note Tyler's feet below the anchor.

Sears Tower (now Willis Tower). This is one tall building.

Melissa, you make stroller-pushing look gooood.

Enjoying $14 Martinis... but look at that view.

Morning snuggles! I'm telling you, its hard to resist cuddling up with this kid.

A selfie in the Bean.

Thanks again Mel- you made this trip what it was! We wish you a million more adventures in Europe!