Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Windy City

... was not terribly windy, thank goodness. I HATE wind. However, I LOVE Chicago. Maybe it was the amazing company, maybe it was the combination of the two that made last weekend so special!

One of my best friends from middle school, high school, college, and beyond met us in Chicago to get some bonding time in with little J (and Tyler and I- but we're not so important anymore) before she makes a BIG move to Germany!

I cannot express how grateful we are that she took the time and spent the money to meet us over the holiday weekend. It means the world to us that she put that on her to do list in the short time she has left before her move.

Chicago was amazing, we did all the super-touristy things like visit Navy Pier, have over priced drinks in the Signature Room on top of the Hancock Tower, Visit the Bean, take a boat ride, and eat Chicago style pizza and hot dogs.

We learned travelling with a newborn is a whole new experience. We are learning to take things slower and go with the flow. Jackson was a trooper on his first trip, and I think Melissa didn't even mind toting around a baby all weekend!

Fortunately for us, this is how most of the 5-hour drive looked.

Meeting Jackson- we are so lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives!

It was unseasonably cold- just our luck. It did make for some amazing photos though!

Navy Pier- J Man was dressed appropriately for the occasion.

I just can't stop laughing when I look at this picture. Please note Tyler's feet below the anchor.

Sears Tower (now Willis Tower). This is one tall building.

Melissa, you make stroller-pushing look gooood.

Enjoying $14 Martinis... but look at that view.

Morning snuggles! I'm telling you, its hard to resist cuddling up with this kid.

A selfie in the Bean.

Thanks again Mel- you made this trip what it was! We wish you a million more adventures in Europe!

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