Sunday, July 21, 2013

We've Gone Country

Country Concert 13. We went. We conquered. We survived.

This concert was the real deal. Hicks from every nook and cranny of ‘merica travelled far and wide. Thousands ascended on farm town USA: Ft. Loramie, Ohio. They set up their tents, their campers, and their baby pools. They pulled out their coolers, their cowboy hats, their boots, and their belts.

We had FUN. We set up camp between two families (all with grown children), and settled in. We spent the day listening to country, people watching, and attempting to beat the heat. It was hot. Stupid hot. Jackson was such a trooper. He ended up in only a diaper and we tried to keep him cool by spraying him down with a water bottle regularly. Eventually, Tyler and my dad took him back to the car to cool him down in the air conditioning. It was THAT hot.

Jackson was the center of attention, as he tends to be. I don’t know if there were any other babies there (responsible parenting?), but plenty of strangers approached us, asking politely if they could snap a photo of Jackson in his cowboy hat, exclaiming things like, “so cute!” and “good for you!”. I’m sure everyone has their own opinions of taking a baby to a concert, but I assure you, we took all necessary precautions (protective earphones anyone?!), we had a blast, and look, he survived!

We left before Brad Paisley finished and the concert ended- I’m just pretty certain the mass chaos of people who have been drinking all day in the staggering temperatures leaving a concert is not something we want Jackson to be anywhere near. So we safely made our way out well in advance, and Jackson’s first concert was a total success.

I guess we all have a hillbilly bone down deep inside, huh?



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