Friday, December 27, 2013


Melissa used this term recently. The Original Best Friend. It’s true, we go way, way back. It all started in Mrs. Scott’s English class in 6th grade. We were sat next to each other, and it was meant to be. The rest is history.

Together we’ve seen friends and boyfriends come and go. We’ve been roommates and partners in crime on more than one occasion.

Melissa is currently on an adventure of her own, living in Germany and travelling Europe with her main squeeze, Dan. On her way back to Colorado to spend Christmas with friends and family, she popped through Dayton to see Tyler, myself, and (mostly) Jackson.

Follow her adventure here.

Check out what she had to say about Dayton here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out Lauren! Had so so much fun.

