Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Potty Training. Round One.

I don't know how many rounds there will be.

I decided to take on the potty training challenge because Jackson was showing quite a bit of interest in using the bathroom.

I had the very best intentions, and planned a four-day weekend with no plans. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Do you KNOW how difficult that is by yourself? By day two, I'm searching for ways to get out of the house, by day three I AM out of the house, and by day four, I'm done.

 I digress. Let's back up.

They say you should plan a three day weekend, with no plans to go anywhere. Maybe a quick hour out of the house on day three, but otherwise stay put. We had toddler potty seats, tiny underwear, jelly beans, chocolate, stickers and juice. So much juice. I'll leave out the details.

I have to say, he gets it. He has the concept down, and is naked potty trained. When he's pant-less, we're golden. Trouble is, you can't go out in public that way.

Had I been more consistent and committed, I think we could have done it. But we are doing a ton of travelling in the next month, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I didn't want to deal with the whole potty thing along the way.

Until we return from our summer trips, I'm throwing in the towel. Except when he's naked, of course.


Because I know you are all desperate to know more about our adventures in potty training, I'll be sure to keep you updated along the way. 

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