Saturday, May 14, 2016

One Year

In the last year, this little family has had our share of ups and downs, of struggles and growth, of separations and homecomings.

Just over a year ago, we said goodbye to Tyler, leaving him in Florida to serve his deployment for 6 long months.

A sweet homecoming left Tyler home just long enough to enjoy the holidays, before he was off on several TDYs (military lingo for business trips) in January. At the end of February, Tyler once again packed his bags for a 5-week training in Alabama, and then just as we were settling back into a normal routine (wait… what is normal?) in April, he headed back to Dayton for three weeks of classes.

Now it’s May. And while I’m certain it’s only a matter of time before he’ll be packing that broke-in suitcase again (June, to be exact), I’m looking forward to a summer with him HERE (mostly).

In the last 12 months, we’ve been apart for more than 9. And sometimes most times, that’s really tough. But I’m SO proud. I’m proud of the man that he is, the sacrifices he makes, and the work he does. I’m proud that when he is home, this family is his focus and priority.

I’m proud of the woman I’ve grown to be. I can hold shit down y’all, and I’m more confident in my role as a wife and mom than ever. I can totally rock this thing. And while some days I break, I know that I have an incredible support network, just a call away.

I’m proud of Jackson. He’s well-rounded, and well-adjusted. He goes with the flow, and he knows that change is an inevitable part of this life.

I’m proud of the relationship we’ve cultivated and the family we are growing. Long distance relationships require a unique amount of patience, communication, and empathy. We’ve become pretty darn good at it.

I’m looking forward to a new year. Maybe one where we are together more than we are apart.

Here’s to the next 12 months – and everything it may bring.

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