Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Anxiety of the Wait

 In this house, we are waiting. Waiting for cooler weather, waiting for sweet baby number 2, and waiting to find out where our lives will take us next.

We are caught in a limbo of sorts. Not only is our world about to shift in a major way with the addition of a tiny new family member, but we are also caught in the throes of military life at its best – uprooting and shaking up everything we’ve come to know in the last 2.5 years.  

For a number of reasons that I won’t bore you with, we were fairly confident that our time in New York would be a full four-year assignment. Recently though, we found out that we are on the books to move this coming spring. THIS COMING SPRING.

But there’s more. Not only are we on the normal list to cycle to a new location in 6-9 months, but Tyler is also competing for a spot in a prestigious leadership program, which would also move us next summer. That means we are undergoing two different assignment processes at the same time. And only one will win.

So, very long (and complicated) story short, we will find out sometime before the end of the year where we are going, and when. And then, we will face all the challenges associated with a move, with the addition of an infant and a house to sell.

So now we wait. Tired of the excruciating heat and humidity, excited for the arrival of a sweet baby, and anxious for the news of an upcoming move, we hang on tight and take each day as it comes our way. These are the moments that my control-freak A-type personality is tested and stretched, and the part of me that seeks adventure and change thrives.

Stay tuned, as we wait and pray for the next chapter to take shape.

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