Thursday, December 8, 2016

Conner: 2 Months


We're beginning to figure you out, which is making everyone happier. We've gotten you on reflux meds and probiotics, which is helping a ton. You seem to be feeling much better, and are much happier between feedings, offering up smiles and coos and melting our hearts.

Your personality is beginning to shine, and so far you like the following:

-Being held
-Being worn
-Being cuddled
-Bing bounced up and down

You do not like:
-Being still
-Being in a swing
-Being on the floor
-Being anywhere but on someone

To summarize, as long as you are not hungry, you are being held, and whoever is holding you is moving - you are one happy baby. I remind myself to soak up the cuddles, as I know this phase won't last long.

Sleep is hit or miss (we joke that every other night is good, and the alternating nights seem to be terrible). You go to bed between 7 and 8, and sleep anywhere from 3 to 5 hours. Then you're up every 2-3 hours after that (on a 'good' night). The other nights you seem to be up every 1.5 hours to eat (and sometimes more often in between). The good news is that you go right to sleep at bed time, and usually go right back to bed after each feeding. 

We're falling into a new normal, and spend our days and nights soaking up your sweet cuddles. Jackson is still a bit weary of you, but he's nothing but sweet and cautious when he's near you. He's even held you a few times for the camera, and is less nervous about it each time!

Here's a photo roundup of the last month:

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