Saturday, January 7, 2017

Conner: 3 Months

Dear Conner,

Happy 3 months little guy!

These last three months have flown by, and I think I can credit much of that to the sleepless haze we've been functioning in. Sweet boy, you are so happy during the day now (yay!) and have a pretty consistent schedule, which looks something like: eat, stay awake for a bit over an hour, then sleep for 30-45 minutes. Repeat. In the afternoons you've been skipping a feeding in favor of a longer nap (YAY).

HOWEVER. We are struggling at night. I keep joking that we are paying the price for Jackson's stellar sleep habits. At a minimum, you are up every 2 hours to eat, and often, more than that just to be held or rocked back to sleep. You're at the tail end of a virus, and I'm very hopeful that once you kick it, we can get into a more reasonable sleep schedule. Until then, we'll just be over here, attempting to function in a normal way.

This month you rolled front to back, however I'm sure it was an accident every time. You are finally happy to hang out in your swing or bouncer, giving your dad and I much needed breaks and moments to complete other tasks. You still love to be held, and I wear you often. You deliver massive smiles on demand, and we've coaxed some seriously sweet giggles from you.

Jackson is more obsessed with you every day, and has come an incredibly long way from his original hesitation about the whole thing. Now he cuddles you, asks to hold you, offers his blanket and other toys, holds your hands, and I often catch him trying a number of faces and voices to get you to smile. And you love it.

These months are flying by far faster than I care to think about, and while I'm eager to get to a more restful phase, I'm also soaking up all the sweet baby smells, cuddles, and coos while they last. Sleep will come, but this will not last long.

We love you, little nugget!

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