Monday, September 11, 2017

Conner: 11 Months

Well, here we are. ONE MONTH before you turn one year, and I can't believe it. Well, part of me can, because what.a.year.

Conner, you really are a simple creature. Here's what you require to not be screaming at us (and yes, this month you discovered screaming).

- Freedom. You Prefer to not be contained by any apparatus (including our arms), unless it's a highchair and you have access to food.

- Food. We know to keep that belly full! You get hangry, just like your mama!

- Sleep. When you're done, you're done. We're on a fairly normal sleep routine, which consists of 2 naps (9:30ish am and 1:30ish pm, a 6:45-7pm bedtime, and a 7ish wake up time). You also still often wake up one time at night for a bottle - this ranges from 2am to 5:45am, and is completely unpredictable.

- Play. You spend most of your awake time climbing, exploring, opening cabinets, pulling the contents out of all shelves, and otherwise keeping me on my toes.

You still have 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom), and had a bout with hand, foot, & mouth this month (which was mild, and only appeared in your mouth). Your poor mouth is giving you no breaks!

You now say "dada" and clap for yourself! No lack of confidence here!

You show no interest in walking, because why would you do that when you can crawl to the other side of any room in less than 10 seconds?

In all seriousness, you are so full of personality, and bring so much joy and love to this family. We are so excited to see what this next months brings, though it is welcome to do so at a glacial pace, please and thank you.

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