Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Colorado & A Life Update

As you've noticed (or probably haven't, if you've fallen off the blog train due to my lack of posting) - I'm barely keeping up with Conner's monthly posts. And now that's done!!

The truth is, life is moving at warp speed. Somewhere between my Niagara Falls post and now, we packed up our home in the country in upstate NY, and moved to North Carolina. Our weeks are littered with work, baby-rearing, house projects, and the occasional brewery stop or museum sighting. (Probably much like the rest of you!)

In my eternal quest to find balance, my days are consumed with a mix of cleaning, playing on the floor with littles, working, squeezing in runs, and catching up with the husby. Occasionally I make dinner. Somehow, keeping up a seemingly mundane blog filled with all of that just hasn't made the cut. So, for those of you who hoped for more updates, I'm sorry.

Truthfully, blogging became a way for me to keep my pictures organized (HELLO TYPE A), and a journal of sorts for our kids to look back on, someday. I hope it can still be those things, but for the time being, I'm cutting myself some much-needed slack.

You may find in the coming months (years?) that this blog is more of a picture diary - a place for us to look back fondly on the beautiful chaos that is these years. Maybe some days I'll feel inspired to write more. Maybe most days I won't.

For those of you still occasionally checking in, thank you!

Now, here's a peek at a recent (very quick) trip to Colorado.

^^ First haircut!

Conner: ONE YEAR!

Conner, we made it!!

You're one year old - and what a ride this last year has been! I joke (regularly) about what a challenge you've been, and while that's true - I'm so grateful, because you've pushed me, pulled me, and stretched me - challenging everything I thought I knew about motherhood. You've made me a stronger mom, a more compassionate woman, a more patient person, and you are a constant reminder to slow down and enjoy the ride.

Since adding you to our family, there is more joy, more laughter, and a stronger bond than ever. Your belly laughs, bright eyes, and toothy smile deliver more happiness than we could have imagined.

You are feisty, demanding, and full of personality. You love bubble baths, milk, all food, crawling, climbing, and otherwise getting into everything. You love Jackson, and continue to be fascinated with him. It's our greatest gift to watch you two love each other. You know what you want, and when you want it. While confusing for me now (since you can't yet talk), I suspect this trait will get you far in life (and it reminds me very much of your daddy.)

You took your first two steps the day before your birthday, though you haven't showed any real interest in trying that again.

You say "more" and "dada," crawl with ferocity, and regularly throw caution to the wind. You are an adventurer at heart, and I hope we can keep that fire lit - forever.

Baby boy, we thank God for entrusting you to us every day, and we promise to work extra hard to be the parents you deserve. Thank you for showing us just what we're made of.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Conner: 11 Months

Well, here we are. ONE MONTH before you turn one year, and I can't believe it. Well, part of me can, because what.a.year.

Conner, you really are a simple creature. Here's what you require to not be screaming at us (and yes, this month you discovered screaming).

- Freedom. You Prefer to not be contained by any apparatus (including our arms), unless it's a highchair and you have access to food.

- Food. We know to keep that belly full! You get hangry, just like your mama!

- Sleep. When you're done, you're done. We're on a fairly normal sleep routine, which consists of 2 naps (9:30ish am and 1:30ish pm, a 6:45-7pm bedtime, and a 7ish wake up time). You also still often wake up one time at night for a bottle - this ranges from 2am to 5:45am, and is completely unpredictable.

- Play. You spend most of your awake time climbing, exploring, opening cabinets, pulling the contents out of all shelves, and otherwise keeping me on my toes.

You still have 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom), and had a bout with hand, foot, & mouth this month (which was mild, and only appeared in your mouth). Your poor mouth is giving you no breaks!

You now say "dada" and clap for yourself! No lack of confidence here!

You show no interest in walking, because why would you do that when you can crawl to the other side of any room in less than 10 seconds?

In all seriousness, you are so full of personality, and bring so much joy and love to this family. We are so excited to see what this next months brings, though it is welcome to do so at a glacial pace, please and thank you.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Conner: 10 Months

Conner, you're 10 months old! (Plus a couple weeks...)

I'm going to blame my lack of posts (and late monthly posts) on you. Child, you keep me busy. 

You are so full of life, personality, and very bad ideas.

I spend most of my days saving you from yourself. You climb stairs in record time, have a dangerous interest in anything plugged into an outlet, and you're especially interested in the dog's water and food bowls (or more specifically, their contents.) You love to try to climb on shelves, and I'm quite concerned about the day you start to climb out of your crib, because I imagine it won't be long.

You sleep pretty well, usually from 7pm until 5:30 am, then back down after a bottle for 1 to 2 hours. We still have occasional middle-of-the-night wake up calls, and when they happen, we give you a bottle and you go right back to bed.

Snuggling isn't on your radar - you're much too busy. But you do offer up massive smiles and belly giggles, which are my all-time favorite things. You kick your legs super-fast when you're happy, and a little old lady at the store called you "happy feet." I quickly fell in love with the nick name, and now I, too, regularly refer to you as "happy feet."

You are a great eater, and pretty much eat whatever we do. You have your top front 4 teeth, and still just the bottom two front teeth. 


  • Baths
  • Food
  • Jackson
  • Climbing
  • Exploring
  • Opening and closing doors
  • Turning Roomba on and off
  • Crawling really fast

  • Snuggles
  • Being contained in any apparatus (or person)
  • Talking
  • Walking
I cannot even begin to wrap my head around the fact that we are closing in on your first birthday. All moms say this, but : WHERE DID THE LAST YEAR GO?! Having another kid in the house, plus moving, plus working from home while wrangling little children certainly makes for a crazy, super-fast year. 

Conner, you're certainly helping me to understand what patience, balance, & letting the little things go really means. There is no one I'd rather chase around this house, sweet boy. 

We love watching you develop your own personality. You do you, Conner!

This pretty much sums up life with you:

Ahh. So much love!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Conner: 8 & 9 Months


The last two months were really big for you (and all of us, really).

It's been just 6 weeks since we packed up and left New York, and when we left, you couldn't even sit up well on your own.

Now, 6 weeks later, you've not only mastered sitting, but you sit from laying, crawl all over the place, and pull up to standing.

You've accomplished a normal sleep routine (though we had a few disruptions with the move and a trip to Colorado). You're now regularly sleeping from 7(ish) pm to 6:30am. You then have a bottle, and go back to sleep until sometime between 8 and 9am. You're also taking a couple 2-3 hour naps a day. Counting my blessings while it lasts.

You eat pretty much everything we do, and your love for food is amazing. You're eager to try everything, and I've yet to find something you don't like. Even the lime we let you try didn't seem to rock your world (the video is quite disappointing.)

You have 2 bottom teeth, and one top tooth - with a number of other teeth making their way as we speak.

You are finallllllly a happy baby. You giggle all the time, and especially love to laugh at the book "Little Blue Truck." You're favorite pastimes include trying to keep up with Jackson and ruining everything he builds. You continue to be fascinated by Jackson, and are captivated by everything he does. All he has to do is look at you, and and instant smile finds its way to your face. Your growing relationship makes my heart explode.

You love baths, splashing, and banging things around.

Loving this phase, and being out of that early baby-life haze!


You love to plank. You got especially good at it while you were trying to master the art of crawling.