Saturday, July 30, 2016

Surprise #1 - A Week with Nana and Papa

As a part of my 30th birthday surprise, Tyler arranged to have my parents arrive at our doorstep, totally unannounced and completely unexpected. I can't tell you how special I felt at the moment when my brain finally processed what my eyes were seeing. Nothing says "I love you" like showing up from 1,700 miles away.

My parents had worked with Tyler for more than 6 months to plan this moment, and to make my 30th birthday one I wouldn't forget.

We spent the next couple of days doing the things we love around this area.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Independence Day

If there's one day we love to celebrate, it's Independence Day. Bring on the BBQs, bonfires, s'mores, summer sun, and fireworks. We made the most of our long weekend, complete with a BBQ, hike, fireworks, and trip to Sylvan Lake.

We are sure grateful to call the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave ours.