Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas, celebrating with the ones you love most. Christmas was extra special for us this year. Our tiny babbling man has changed our entire world, and Christmas Day is no exception. We’ve spent the last few years as a married couple testing the tradition waters. What traditions will we carry forward from each of our families? What traditions will be our own? Every Christmas we’ve had together has been different, and special in its own way. This year, we were finally able to share our favorite traditions with Jackson, and I know as the years roll on, he will hold these little traditions close to his heart.

The most wonderful time of the year just became so much more magical. Reliving childhood memories and creating new ones with your own child creates a level of happiness that just can’t be measured.



Brewing beer is a family thing.


 Baking cookies on Christmas Eve.


Christmas Eve Mass.

Reading The Night Before Christmas.

Putting together gifts!

It's safe to say, Santa made a stop at our place.

Christmas Day cuddles.

Christmas evening dinner.


 From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Friday, December 27, 2013


Melissa used this term recently. The Original Best Friend. It’s true, we go way, way back. It all started in Mrs. Scott’s English class in 6th grade. We were sat next to each other, and it was meant to be. The rest is history.

Together we’ve seen friends and boyfriends come and go. We’ve been roommates and partners in crime on more than one occasion.

Melissa is currently on an adventure of her own, living in Germany and travelling Europe with her main squeeze, Dan. On her way back to Colorado to spend Christmas with friends and family, she popped through Dayton to see Tyler, myself, and (mostly) Jackson.

Follow her adventure here.

Check out what she had to say about Dayton here.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Home For (A) Holiday

We spent Thanksgiving in Colorado again this year. I think I can safely say, a fun time was had by all. Jackson got more lovin than he knew what to do with, and Tyler and I got a bit of a break.

I think my favorite way to document all the awesomeness that happens on our Colorado trips, is to post absurd amounts of pictures.

Sorry if you’re not into that – it’s the best way I can think to cover all the family, friends, and fun things we did that all deserve their own posts! (And we all know, I am struggling to get the bare minimum done… seeing as Thanksgiving was now 4 weeks ago.)

My parents hosted a baby gender reveal party for our incredibly close family friends, Dani and Evan.

It's a.... BOY!!!


So much family, so much love, so little time!
Until next time....

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Cutting Down A Christmas Tree

This is becoming a tradition, and one I quite like. Growing up, my mom, dad, sister and I ventured deep into the Colorado mountains exactly one time to cut down our very own Christmas tree.

It went something like the scene from Christmas vacation. We were freezing and there was more than enough complaining to go around. My poor dad. And so, that adventure was the one and only quite like it. Since then, the Stowe family has had a fake tree, and it’s worked quite well.

Tyler’s family, on the other hand, always had a real tree. Every year they go to the local tree lot and find their perfect tree. And so, Tyler became what I affectionately refer to as a “tree snob”.

I pick my battles, and this was not one I was willing to fight. We have become a real-tree family.  Happily, here in Ohio, we have found a happy medium between deep-country, snow shoe-required tree cutting, and fake tree. The almighty tree farm!

Young’s Jersey Dairy is our go-to for pumpkins, trees, and all things farm. This year we bundled up our little munchkin, and headed out with the sleds to find the perfect tree. We couldn’t tell what was what, because the trees were covered in snow. We had no idea what we were looking at (but it sure made for a beautiful day)! The tree turned out to be just perfect for the little corner in our family room where it stands.