Tuesday, December 10, 2013


The Stubbs Shack is preparing to pick up and move, again.

Such is military life. Tyler’s Master’s program was 18 months, and come March, he’ll be graduating! We knew from the beginning there would be a chance that after these quick 18 months, we’d be on our way to a new home, a new adventure. Recently, we found out that will be just the case.

Our little family is headed to upstate New York. Our assignment is to a tiny town called Rome, NY. It’s about an hour to the east of Syracuse, and an hour and a half to the west of Albany. For the record: this was a total surprise. We did not put this on our “wish list”, but when the government pays for your (very specialized) education, you go wherever they want you, and they want Tyler at Rome Research Labs. He’ll likely be a project manager, but we don’t know much more.

Are we happy with this? At first we were just surprised, and didn’t really know how to feel. We’re looking at the bright side, and taking this adventure head-on. Preparing for a slower pace of life, small town living, and a few visits to the city.

So, just like that, come March, we’ll be packing up our cars with a one-year old and a dog, and making the 8 hour drive east. We’ll bloom where we are planted, even if that means in 4 feet of snow.

Home is where the Air Force sends you, right? 


1 comment:

  1. Home is where the Air Force sends you, right? -> Absolutely! And the trick is making the best of every single assignment! Choose to be happy whenever possible! Great luck to you both and your family!
