Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I'm Glad I'm Yours

Dear Jackson,

"There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that transcends all other affections of the heart." -Washington Irving

In celebration of Mother's Day (a few days late), I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on the very best parts of being your mama.

Being yours means splashing in puddles and pointing out every last airplane, big truck, school bus, and train we come across. It means tackling every slide at the park (as a team), pointing out the colors of, well, everything, and playing chase. It means tickles, giggles, and games.

Being your mom means evening cuddles, late-night snacks, morning kisses, and unprompted "I love you's." It means jumping, climbing, and "ring around the rosies." It means puzzles, painting, and coloring. It means splashing in the bath, and curling up under blankets. It means building forts and then destroying them.

It means watching you grow and learn at heart-wrenchingly fast pace and it means aweing over the wonder in your eyes.

Quite simply put, to be your mama means everything to me.

Thank you for showing me the tender, wild, crazy, exciting, and loving side of boyhood. You are my greatest gift.

Love forever,


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