Thursday, October 15, 2015

Other Florida Fun

We did so much while we were in Florida, making it a family vacation of sorts. We went over a long weekend, so we could spend those days with Tyler, but the rest of the week he had to work. On those days, Jackson and I made it a habit to hit the pool all morning, and I worked while Jackson napped. When Tyler got done working, we headed out to take advantage of city life (something we don't have access to in Rome).

Here's a roundup of my other favorite Tampa moments (or at least those captured in a photo).

Reunited, and it feels SO good.

Pair O' Dice Brewing



We weren't prepared, but the Florida Aquarium has a huge outdoor water park/splash pad... because it's Florida.

The Green Lemon is a fantastic Mexican fusion restaurant. It also features brunch until 3pm on the weekends, and happy hour kicks off at 2pm. Even better? First timers get free dessert. There is so much winning happening at this place.

We also did a little bit of cooking. And by that, I mean Tyler did a little bit of cooking.

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