Friday, April 1, 2016

Easter and Other Things That Happened in Colorado

Tyler has spent the last five weeks in Alabama, completing some necessary training. In an effort to break up the time that he was away, and avoid my inevitable pity party when Jackson and I spent Easter alone, the two of us headed back to Colorado for a week and a half of over-eating, relaxing, and playing catch up with friends and family.

And it felt like such a luxury - Colorado twice in two months?! Yes please.

The time we spent in Colorado overlapped with my mom's spring break, my dad's birthday, and, of course, Easter. Prepare for picture overload, per usual.

Like a boss.

Can you tell we're related? Maybe?

Apparently, I bring the weather.

Celebrating papa's birthday - like children. 

And Easter eggs!

Incredibly, the Easter bunny found us.

I could eat him up. Seriously.

Easter brunch with the crew.

The ol' Ester egg hunt. Don't mind the tie - fighting for eggs is serious business.

One last bed time story with Aunt Katers.

Homeward bound (which always means breakfast at McDonalds).

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