Monday, May 9, 2016

A Baby Update

Man, I'm more terrible at this than even I expected I would be. Tyler has to call to remind me to try to get Jackson to take some sort of resemblance of a belly picture weekly, most of which turn out to feature my face or my belly, but not both.

Truly, there’s not much to report. I’m feeling good, have regained (most) of my energy, and feel like my stomach is growing at the speed of light. I am sleeping well, am beginning to feel some movement, and really have no other symptoms to report. I suppose no news is good news, right?

I’m just over 18 weeks, and have gained 5 pounds – which it appears is entirely in my stomach. I’m somewhere between regular clothes and maternity clothes, and nothing fits quite right. I’m getting creative with my loose fitting shirts, and hoping that this strategy will work out until it starts to warm up outside.

In two weeks we’ll have the ever-exciting 20-week appointment, marking the halfway point of this pregnancy. How is that possible? It’ll be the first appointment Tyler will actually be around for, and we’ll drag Jackson along and see if the experience makes this thing any more real or understandable for him.


18 Weeks
(Photo Cred: Jackson)

Next up: That pink room has 

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