Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Kahla Got Skunked

Today, at 6 am as I was getting ready for work, Tyler brought home our gagging-ly stinky skunk-sprayed dog.  You guys. It was SO bad.

After some quick research, it was determined we needed 5 things:

·         Hydrogen peroxide.

·         Baking soda.

·         Dish soap.

·         Rubber gloves.

·         A bucket.

Scrub mixture on dog, rinse, repeat. Simple enough, right?!


Here was our scenario:

·         Big dog, HATES bathes.

·         I just showered and dried my hair. So much for that.

·         Crying, impatient baby wants out of the crib, NOW.

I threw some toys and a bottle in the crib (which helped for exactly 5 minutes) and changed into sweats I was willing to throw away. Tyler held Kahla in the bathtub while I scrubbed, rinsed, repeat for a half hour. I have never, ever, in my entire life been more grateful for a window in the bathroom. It helped, a little.

The damage:

·         One pair of jeans, one washcloth and one towel: trashed.

·         One bathroom: destroyed.

·         Two soaked individuals.

·         One PISSED baby.

·         One hour of my life I’ll never get back.

·         25 Minutes late to work.

·         And one clean, stink-free dog.


…and to be honest, I felt bad for the poor thing. Kahla, let’s stay away from those things from here on out, ok?

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